What is the Humanity Index?

Humanity is defined by a sensitivity and compassionate disposition toward our fellow human beings that leads us to help others and contribute to the well-being of our communities.

The Humanity Index aims to assess our perception of humanity, on a personal and societal level, and to gauge our overall experience.


We live in an interconnected world, where the fate of every individual is intertwined, and yet this shared humanity is under threat. We are a paradox: a self-interested society growing more polarized each day. Trust in our institutions has eroded and social tensions have escalated. Our mental health has declined, and our environment is in the midst of a climate emergency. These complex challenges have created a sense of powerlessness, widespread disengagement, and increasing isolation. The “I” is steadily eclipsing the “We.” The time to act is now—to rekindle our faith in humanity and work toward a brighter future. Everyone stands to benefit from this effort.

A Unique Measure

Before we can rehabilitate our humanity, we must first measure how we experience and understand it. This is the mission of the Humanity Index. As a groundbreaking, neutral, and rigorous tool, the Humanity Index provides a universal framework for evaluating both our collective and individual expressions of humanity. Through 14 carefully crafted dimensions, it calls upon the public to examine and reflect on our shared values and behaviours. To join the conversation and take part in the current survey, click here.

The Mission

Our mission is to transform the concept of humanity into something tangible, measurable, and capable of growth. We seek to deepen the understanding of what defines our shared humanity, empowering individuals to not only embrace but also safeguard and celebrate it. By cultivating both personal insight and collective consciousness, we aspire to inspire a widespread shift towards more humanistic behaviours throughout society.

The Vision

Our vision is to be bold and transformative—A guiding force, both locally and globally, in the pursuit of a more humane world. We want to be a unifying reference point, inspiring meaningful change in both individual and collective actions.

The Humanity Index aims to:

  • Offer meaningful insights and to launch a movement that will bring together current and future leaders who are committed to building a better world.
  • Encourage us to be more reflective about our place in society, prompting us to consider what kind of world we wish to build.
  • The Humanity Index aims to be a part of a broader social movement that places humanitarianism back at the heart of our priorities.

We envision a future where the Humanity Index will be referenced alongside other valued economic and social indicators, and continually contribute to the betterment of our societies.

The 14 dimensions

  1. 01

    Social Peace

    Reflects the level of respect in our relationships, civility in our interactions, and our ability to resolve conflicts peacefully, fostering a harmonious environment.

  2. 02


    Reflects the belief that decisions are made fairly and with the best interests of all citizens in mind, regardless of their status.

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    Reflects society's commitment toward responsible and effective action in protecting and preserving our natural resources and environment.

  4. 04


    Reflects the belief that employers, unions, and workers are working toward reducing conflicts and maintaining respectful working relationships.

  5. 05


    Reflects how well societies ensure that all individuals, regardless of their identity or gender, are equally treated and valued.

  6. 06


    Reflects how willing we are collectively to embrace differences, listen to others, and show tolerance.

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    Indicates our ability to focus on solutions and trust that the future will bring about a better society.

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    Reflects the belief that society treats everyone fairly and upholds its rules without bias.

  9. 09


    Represents our shared commitment to support the most vulnerable and actively work towards reducing poverty and social inequality.

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    Reflects the willingness of citizens to actively engage in and contribute to the well-being of their communities and environment.

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    Reflects our desire to share, connect, and celebrate our diverse expressions of identity and to culturally enrich society.

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    Represents our commitment to actively engage in the democratic process, ensuring it remains vibrant, strong, and inalienable.

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    Freedom of Expression

    Represents our ability to express ourselves openly, voice our opinions without restraint, and respect the voices of others in society.

  14. 14


    Represents the belief that media information is unbiased, accurate, and grounded in verified facts.