Humans are at the Heart of Change

12 Aug. / 2024 / indice et mouvement

Isabelle Genest, Centraide

United for a Bold Transformation with the Humanity Index

United for a Bold Transformation with the Humanity Index

I’m often asked what strikes me the most in my role at Centraide and, more importantly, what motivates me to continue. While combating poverty and social exclusion is central to my commitment, the results of our fundraising campaigns, or the growth of our investments within the community also bring me great pride. But what fuels my daily life is meeting extraordinary people. It’s the conversations about our engagement to the meaning we all want to bring to our lives.

Times are tough for humanity. Every day, our very essence is questioned, and our views on what defines us seem to become increasingly polarized. Yet, for me, investing in our humanity is quite straightforward: what sets us apart is our capacity to change through our interactions with others. When I see humans showing compassion and empathy, I am reassured.

I am deeply moved when I see someone extend their empathy and compassion toward others, recognizing the plight of the most vulnerable and committing to the hard work of meaningful change. I find that extraordinary. Those who can modify their behavior, take charge of their lives, and face the challenges of change with openness and selflessness are extraordinary because change is not easy. No change is perfect or without challenges. We need tools to guide us, to inspire us, and to help us make choices.

The Humanity Index is a bold initiative that will help each of us forge our own path while uniting us around common goals. We know that humanity must change and Centraide will be alongside the Humanity Index to support the growth of this great adventure.

We all have the potential to be extraordinary humans—let’s do it together.