The genesis of the humanity index

15 Sep. / 2024

To make a change, you have to start somewhere.

The Humanity Index stems from an observation that is neither strictly mathematical nor scientific, but rather an instinctive reflex of protection. Our humanity is under threat, and it serves as our last stronghold—preventing life from losing its meaning. The Humanity Index is an ambitious project designed to assess and restore humanity on a global scale, ensuring that no part of our shared experience is overlooked.

But what is humanity? How do we define it? And above all, how do we measure it? Unlike happiness, which has numerous indices, those assessing our humanity are largely absent or not well-established. While some measures exist, none captures the full breadth of what it means to be human. The Humanity Index seeks to fill this gap by offering a comprehensive and meaningful evaluation of our collective human experience.

So, what is the measure of our humanity? If we agree that our humanity—our human interest—is damaged, then we must strive to understand what it is and how we can act in accordance with its truest form—to find it, repair it, restore it, and make it beautiful once more.

Who better than each of us to evaluate it? We ask you to take part in this effort.

Our project is ambitious but necessary. Doing nothing and allowing the situation to deteriorate to the point of no return is not an option.

Starting in October, we will present the inaugural results of the world’s first Humanity Index. The pan-Canadian results from a survey involving more than 3,000 respondents will allow us to gauge our level of humanity and assess the impact of 14 influence dimensions based on the perceptions of Canadians.

Meanwhile, we invite you to explore our website to learn more about this project and to join us as a member of this important movement.

We also invite you to financially support this project. As a nonprofit organization, the Humanity Index relies on donations to continue its work, expand its impact, and sustain its mission. Your contribution will help us foster a better way of living together. Join us in being part of the solution.

Thank you.